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Sunday 23 December 2012

Info Post

Almost every one has to work long hours on certain occasions, sacrificing rest and sleep. This may cause temporary fatigue.

Fatigue refers to a feeling of tiredness or weariness. It can be temporary or chronic. This condition can be remedied by adequate rest. Chronic or continuous fatigue is ,however, a serious problem which requires a comprehensive plan of treatment.

A specific character trait, compulsiveness, can lead to continuous fatigue. Many persons constantly feel that they cannot take rest until they finish everything that needs to be done at one time. These persons are usually tense and cannot relax unless they complete the whole job, no matter hotwired they may be . The main cause of fatigue is lowered vitality or lack of energy due to wrong feeding habits. The habitual use of refined foods such as white sugar, refined cereals, white flour products and processed food have very bad effects on the process in general. Certain physical and mental condition also creates fatigue. These include anemia, intestinal worms, low blood pressure, and low blood sugar any kind of infection in the body , liver damage, allergy to foods and drugs, insomnia mental tension, and unresolved emotional problem.

The patient suffering from fatigue should eat nutritious foods, which supply energy to the body. Cereal seeds in their natural state relieve fatigue and provide energy. These cereal seeds are corn seeds, wheat seeds, rye seeds, maize seeds.
Vitamin B
Lemon balm

Nutritional measures are most vital in the treatment of fatigue. Studies reveal that people who eat snacks in between meals suffer less from fatigue and nervousness, think more clearly, and are more efficient than those who eat only three meal daily .These snacks should consists of fresh or dried fruits, fresh fruit or vegetable Juices, raw vegetables, or small sandwiches of whole gram bread. These snacks should be light and less food should be consumed at regular meals .The snacks should also be taken at specified timing such as 11 am, 4 p.m.

Chronic fatigue caused by poor circulation can be remedied by daily physical exercise. It will help relieve tension, bring a degree of freshness, renew energy, and induce sleep. Massage cold applications increasing in degree gradually or alternate hot and cold baths, stimulate the muscles to renewed activity, thereby relieving fatigue.

Basic Breathing (Pranayama)
The Shoulder Stand (Sarvang Asana)
The Lotus (Padma Asana)
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