Breaking News
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Info Post

Full-time education is compulsory from the first school day in the month after a child's fifth birthday, until the end of the school year in which they reach 16 or have completed at least 12 full years of schooling. From 16-18, students must receive at least part-time education and can participate in work. However, it is very common for children to remain in full-time education until they are at least 18 and to begin education at four (QCA 2002). Fees for schooling are required for children over 16 on 1st August of that year but many families are granted assistance.
Age in years

0 to 4   Pr-compulsory education . This is provided by day nurseries, playgroups and company childcare schemes. Parents, employers and the government are expected to contribute to childcare costs with parents’ contributions being income-dependent. There is no universal, free, state education in this age range and no formal curriculum. The focus is on play, stimulating children’s social, emotional and cognitive development.
4 to 12
Primary school is only compulsory from the age of 5. The national curriculum specifies core subjects:
    Sensory co-ordination and physical exercise
    Arithmetic and mathematics
    Expressive activities e.g. music
    Social and life skills
    Healthy living
    Factual subjects including geography, history, science and social studies
    English for at least the final two years

Schools have to offer religious education though students do not have to participate in it. There are also a number of cross-curricular objectives that schools are expected to include to improve children’s general skills. Furthermore, due to the great diversity of people living in Holland, it is expected that pupils will learn about the customs and origins of other peoples. The curriculum specifies time allocation and attainment targets for both subject areas and cross-curricular strands. Schools are free to decide on the content and methods of teaching as long as these targets are reached by the end of primary school. Pupils are continually assessed by their teachers and the majority of schools also use tests set by the National Institute for Educational Measurement (CITO). The assessments do not result in a certificate but are used to help formulate a report that advises which type of secondary school a child should attend.

12 to18 Secondary school
Secondary education begins with a 3-year period of general education (basic worming/the foundation cycle).

The compulsory subjects at all levels of secondary school are:
    English language
    second foreign language
    biology, physics and chemistry
    history and politics
    life skills
    at least two of: visual arts, music, drama and dance
    physical education

Optional subjects are also taken at this phase and during the final year when students undertake general upper secondary education, per-university or per-vocational education which prepares them for different end-of-course examinations, the HAVO, VWO and VMBO respectively. The emphasis placed on subjects is the major difference between these courses. The VMBO is a one-year course and can be taken in engineering and technology, business, agriculture or care and welfare with students following theoretical, combined, basic vocational or middle-management programmers. The HAVO is a two-year course and the VWO is of three years duration. There are four fixed combinations of subjects which students can select: science and technology, science and health, economics and society or culture and society. These are all associated with particular courses in higher education.

·  Eindhoven University of Technology
·  Erasmus University of Rotterdam
·  Haagse Hoge school
·  Hanzehoge school
·  Hoge school Eindhoven
·  Hoge school van Amsterdam
·  Hoge school van Utrecht
·  IJselland Polytechnic
·  Intercultural Open University

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