Nepal Education has only recently started to develop. The Rana regime in Nepal has suppressed education in Nepal so much that it had inflicted a blow to Nepal Education. Rana regime feared educated public so education was never encouraged there. There were only few English middle and high schools and a girls' high school in Kathmandu prior to Second World War. After end of this regime in 1951 education in Nepal was given importance. Though an education System was established in Nepal, thousands of poverty stricken people could not send their children to school. During 1975 free primary education was offered to children by the then government. Caste problem was a major deterrent in development of Education of Nepal then. Some of the schools were set in town, so children staying in village cannot attend there. Moreover the cost of living in town was so high that people could not afford to stay there. English education and its supremacy spread in 1991. Illiteracy rates in Nepal are about 58%, 72% being women. The Education System of Nepal is based on that of United States. Nepal has received assistance from various NGOs. Several International Organizations also helped Nepal with its education System and giving primary education to rural children. Nepal Government has realized that education is the only way to curb poverty in Nepal. So they are trying hard to develop their education. Now there are about 26 thousand schools 415 colleges and five universities and two academics of higher studies.
Kathmandu University
Kathmandu University School of Management
Siddhartha University
Asian College of Higher Studies
B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences
Bernhardt College
Capital College and Research Center (CCRC)
Malpi International College
Nepal Medical College
Nepalgunj Medical College
Prime College
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