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Thursday, 2 August 2012

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It’s like that scene in Being John Malkovich where John Malkovich (with John Cusack controlling his thoughts and actions—if you haven’t seen the movie, don’t ask) talks to his agent and says that from now on, he doesn’t want to be known as John Malkovich, the actor, he wants to be known as John Malkovich, the puppeteer. This is a little less ridiculous, but only slightly less so: After taking up the skateboard sometime in his late 20s, Lil Wayne has decided that skating is now the thing that he’s about, with rap…well, whatever. He talked to DJ Drama about his metamorphosis:

I picked up the skateboard and I thought it would be a hobby, but it’s a lifestyle…You have to be fully committed. In order to be fully committed, you have to live that lifestyle. What these young kids say right now—you have to be about that life. I guess I’m about that life.

And let it never be said otherwise. But if you’re so busy being all Skate is Life, Weezy, where does rap—you know, the thing that you were pretty good and successful at for a while—fit in?

It’s kinda of putting rap on the backburner, that’s all…Rap is a taking backseat to skating. I deserve that…It does get pretty boring when it comes to just the rapping and all that type of stuff…I’ve done so much of it. I’ve been doing it since I was eight. I’m about to be 30 in September and I’m still rapping, so I kinda feel like I’m getting old.

Well. Hopefully when Wayne has to give up one of his half-dozen mansions after realizing that being an amateur skater doesn’t pay quite as well as being one of the world’s most popular rappers, he’ll re-prioritize a bit. In the meantime—how the hell is Lil Wayne not even 30 yet?


The post Lil Wayne’s Priorities List: Skateboarding #1, Rapping Somewhere Below appeared first on Popdust.


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